
The future of remote code workshops & training


Connect your participants

Leverage Visual Studio Code's Live Share Extension

Use CWK to scaffold starter files

Serve for frontend

Use the dev server for serving HTTP

Includes HMR support, perfect for frontend workshops

Portal for backend

Use the portal to connect terminal input/output

The standard for backend workshops

What is it?

code-workshop-kit is a combination of tools to enhance collaboration specifically in a workshop, tutorial or training environment

Why now?

Remote workshops have been upcoming for multiple years but now with COVID-19 dominating our lives, this seemed like the right time.

As a trainer myself, I had a need for this: to recreate the interactive environment of a real life workshop or training.

Shared input

The tool is meant to be used on top of Visual Studio's Live Share extension. This enables hosts & participants to see each other's code similar to how Google Docs works.

Shared output

The toolkit makes use of an extension of @web/dev-server, as well as Live Share's "shared servers" feature, which allows hosts & participants to see the output of each other's code. Either backend through a terminal portal, or frontend.

Support for frontend & backend

The dev server works by default for frontend workshops as it just serves the participants root either as an iframe or by importing a default module from their entrypoints. For backend, a terminal portal is spawned, the host can control which command is ran. For example javac && java Main. This also supports terminal input through typing in the portal.

How can I find out more?

All of the documentation can be found on the Github repository of code-workshop-kit.

I also published an extensive blog on and Medium about code-workshop-kit.